Likes. I gots L O T S of 'em. Simple, small, dainty, pretty, big, huge, extravagant, lovely things. I like them all. This weekend was spent mostly with myself, and I enjoyed it. After all, if you like the person you are alone with, you really can't be too lonely, right? One of my friends has a quote along these lines on his Facebook page, and I think about it all the time. To be honest, I am rarely lonely, more or less I get in moods where I am feeling nostalgic. But that's mainly because I have amazing friends scattered around everywhere except in my vicinity (with a few exceptions), and I miss their company. One thing I've already learned since moving to Atlanta and living on my own, is that you have to be able to enjoy hanging out with yourself, embrace who you are, and do the little things that make you smile.
On most Saturday's, I like to make to-do lists. I hate to even call them to-do lists, because that seems so forced upon. They really are more like reminders of things I want to do, places I want to go, and so on. When I first moved here, I was overwhelmed and fascinated with the huge-ness of Atlanta. I would try to do things after work, and go places, because I was just so eager to see the city. Eventually, I realized though, that the weekends were the best times for these things. During the week, I need physical and mental rest and revitalization. I still don't make these two things a priority like I should, but I'm getting better. Saturdays are me day's.....time to explore myself, and my surroundings. The following is what I like to call my.....
"Like List".
I tend to always have at least a few "obsessed with, squealing over, can't get enough of" type things I am into at the moment. Here are a few of my current likes:
1. Calvin Klein.So, on Saturday I woke up, didn't actually have too many things I wanted to do, so I went to my regular's (TJ Maxx & Nordstrom Rack) where I purchased THE MOST AMAZING LOUNGE PANTS evvvvver by Calvin Klein. I think every girl should own a pair of these. Not only are they the most comfortable things I have ever "lounged" in, they also make "lounging" look good, which is a + .
You can find them ----->
H E R E (& No, I didn't pay $49 for these (or buy them in this nauseous rose color, for that matter) ....I am much more of a Maxxinista than that).
2. Trader Joe's.If you have never been, and live close to one do not wait any longer.........go NOW! It is awesome. I am quite disappointed in myself that it took me this long to discover it's greatness. Just put it this way, I got 3 bottles of wine, an organic frozen meal, a green machine smoothie, pineapple salsa, & spinach dip all for $22 dollars. I am not even big into the whole organic thing, but I was simply impressed with the amazing prices, unique selection, and enjoyable shopping experience it creates for it's customers. Oh, and $3 dollar red wine had something to do with it as well :)
3. Organization.I am the queen of buying things to "help me be more organized". Whether I actually use these things, is questionable (you and I both know the answer to this). Nonetheless, I found the cutest little to do list, doodle, journal book at Anthropologie this weekend. It's called the Today is Super Journal and I love it because it reminds me of my childhood with it's kid-ish look, all while helping me be organized. We will see how long I actually use it. It was just TOO adorable to pass up.

pictures via
4. The Beatles
Last weekend I ran across the Beatles album, "Abbey Road" at a local CD exchange store. Needless to say, I snatched it up and walked out with one of the greatest classic rock albums in hand for exchange of only six U.S. dollar bills. Isn't it mind-boggling to think that forty years later music still moves humans the same way? Now...... judge me if you will, but before this purchase I did not have one Beatle's song in my Itunes or on CD's. If you know me the least bit, you know I'm not good with knowing the classics- movies, music, actors, arts, etc. Anyways, I'm obsessed Now I'm just jammin' on the way to work every day to the Beatles as if the CD was released just yesterday!
That's all for now...Here's to another work filled week!