Wednesday, June 22, 2011

smooth sailing

is the color on my fingers! & I love it. Do you?

Target wins again. I go in for "necessities" and leave with an over priced bottle of fingernail polish and the latest People's Style magazine. You'd be amazed just how happy these two little purchases make me though :)

It is also the first day of summer! YAY!

I figured painting my nails this lovely summer color would be the perfect way to celebrate. I've always been more of a fall person...I love everything about it. I do however have a small period of time where I enjoy everything summer. Come August, I'll be ready for the fall crisp air. For now, I'll enjoy what is.

Smooth sailing, y'all..

Monday, June 20, 2011


works....where applied. Me being the queen of sunburns, I have learned this well. My skin soaks up the sun and my poor pale skin turns a rosy tint in just minutes. But let me clarify, this is not the bronzy, beachy, sunkissed look that people desire to achieve. Think more along the lines of lobster status, "hey girl- do you know sunscreen exists?" look. It's surely not attractive.

As I've gotten older I've realized the miraculous abilities of our beloved little friend, sunscreen. I liberally apply and reapply until I finally give up, & say ok sun, you win. Whats funny is when I don't apply enough and I end up looking splotchy and covered with awkward suntan lines. Then there are the days where I think this one day will be different, and I'll leave the pool looking like a bronzed goddess or something (um, yeah right!). So, if I know that sunscreen works, and I've seen that is works, why do carelessy apply sometimes or even not apply at all? I know the outcome of both situations but choose to ignore them.

Strangely (but surely not a rarity for the analyzer in me), I see quite the comparison between my decisions in life and my sunscreen tactics. Being humanly & imperfect, obviously every choice we make will not be the right one. But we can do everything we are capable of to achieve positive outcomes, right? So what's the secret? Or is there even a secret? Instead of searching around looking for answers what if they are right infront of you? Such a simple concept, but all too often it is overlooked.

Everything that goes into a life of pleasing God has been miraculously given to us by getting to know, personally and intimately, the One who invited us to God. The best invitation we ever received! 2 Peter 1:3

Like sunscreen & the evident outcome of its use, we also know the way to living a life of peace but instead do everything we can to complicate the process resulting in a life of repetiveness and worry. I surely don't have it all figured out, but for some reason this past weekend inbetween nursing sunburns and small hangovers, the two become closely related in my mind. What if we replace sunscreen with God or any other concept we know to be good for us? ____ works, when applied. Seems so simple but something I need to be reminded of often. So today I 'm thankful for many things, but especially for this small little comparison God has used to tug on my heart strings and get me thinking.

And for a little comical relief......

taking it back to 1999


Friday, June 17, 2011



1) I left my phone at home.

2) I can't "pin" things @ work.

3) My picture isn't working below (I fixed it -YAY!) Now how do I get rid of the silly border?!

which leads me to another point......Can some blogger pro give me some tips or guidance to getting your pictures to look like you want them to in your blog? I way too often find that I've spent thirty minutes playing with the html code in hopes of my picture fitting within my borders, etc. And now that I'm adjusting to my mac my struggles have at least doubled. Any suggestions?!

4) Billy (my emailing/chatting buddy) is mad at me.

Work(No phone + No gchatting) = miserable

5) I thought of the cutest baby name & I can't remember it.

You don't understand though, it was unique and the cutest. This makes me really sad.

But hey, It's Friday! So it's all okay :) Happy Friday Y'all!

Thursday, June 16, 2011


This week has been filled with little moments of joy. You know the type of things that just make your heart feel warm, cause you to get excited, or simply make you smile. Things like....

1- Attending your best friends wedding. I know I did a full post solely dedicated to this event but honestly nothing is better than celebrating such a special day with your best friends and family. The people you love most.

2- Yoga class. I'm not sure I've blogged about this, but somewhere between the transformation from spring to summer I have become obsessed. Yes, I know...I'm 5 years behind. Yoga is old school now- but not for me! I love it...I even "wikipedia'd" the origin of yoga after class one day. Namaste :)

3- Roomie collegiate sounding, I know, BUT my room mate (Sally) works nights, so when we're both home after workn- I AM ESTATIC. I had a buddy to make fun of all the guys on The Bachelorette this week and to go on a Target trip with. So much better than doing these things solo.

4-Okay, so this one is not so "simple" but I must mention it bc I am wayyyy past obsessed. I GOT A MACBOOK PRO! I love it how did I ever live without it I'll totally become a computer geek because of it.... Eeek! I've spent all week exploring what it can do and even signed up for a class at the Apple store this weekend (noob life). I love my new toy.

5- Clean sheets. One of life's many simple pleasures.

Monday, June 13, 2011



This would be the first word that comes to mind when I think of this past weekend's festivities. My best friend since before I can even remember finally got married to her high school sweetheart. The weekend was spent reminiscing over sweet memories, practicing hella dance moves, and simply enjoying the time with our closest family members and friends...

Whit- Your day was perfect. I love you my married friend...

Oh, and are those not the prettiest flowers you have ever seen? I am still not over them :)