Monday, March 21, 2011

Be still.

Sometimes I think I was born with a restless soul. I casually throw that line around, laugh, without thinking about what it actually means. Restless. Soul. It's not a positive thing. It actually is quite frightening to think a soul could never be at rest.

I admit. I am occasionally guilty of this. Never letting my soul relax, rest, and embrace what is.

This past Friday was no different then the previous four days of the week. I woke up, rushed to get to work, and was slowly but surely watching the day pass before me. I met a new friend for lunch, where she mentioned she had a friend who was doing this cool project, etc. where she was starting a non profit. When I got back to my cube, naturally I googled her blog. Her story was refreshing and so inspiring. Before I realized it, I had read her whole blog from front to back.

This young girl, who I've never met, has a story that somehow sparked something inside of me. For the first time the whole week, I felt like someone had turned on the switch of my soul. For the first time in months, it was like a cup of contentment was poured over me and I realized this....

God. did. not. create. his. children. to. be. R E S T L E S S.

There is no way he did. Although, nothing was different about Friday, I seriously felt a peace about where I am in life in that moment. I have no understanding of why- but I felt like God was telling me to just be still. In Amy's blog, she talks about this verse.... "Let us hold unswervingly to the HOPE we profess, for HE who PROMISED is FAITHFUL."{Hebrews 10:23} How awesome is it that God promises us he will be faithful? What a hopeful promise from our Creator.

Check it ---->

Clothed in Hope

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