Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Sometimes I read my horoscope. Not because I'm looking for answers about my future or trust in the magical horoscope god people (whatev), but because I think the characteristics of the signs are pretty dead on.

Yesterday afternoon while procrastinating at work, I read a few of mine as well as some of my closest friends (I have to make sure theres is accurate too). Libra's sign, as I'm sure my fellow Libra friends know, is the scale....which signifies b a l a n c e & consistency. Part of me thinks that is flat out boring. Why would I want a consistent ho-drum life? That's totally horoscope peeps. But as I've thought about it more I've realized that balance & consistency is what drives a lot of things I do and not only Libras but everyone to an extent. Different activities, things, people, environments, and atmospheres create a sort of balance that is adherently fulfilling. It seems to balance in the here and now and create consistency in the long run.

I think that a part of maturing and becoming an adult is realizing that consistency is okay. It's something I've struggled with but have come more to grip with everyday in return. It's easy to fall into craving the highs and lows of life....which is way too similar to many negative addictions. Yes, life can be spontaneous and adventurous like all the independent movie love stories I dream about, but at the end of the day....this real world day we live over and over, consistency is key. Living a consistent life requires all the things we relate to the opposite-- strength, will power, effort, humility, responsibility, and appreciation. Just think, if we can find fulfillment in the everyday experiences, how amazing will the adventures be?!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011



All I can think about is my new house. Did I mention that I was moving? Welp, I most surely am! Just to a new place in Atlanta. After a month of stalking every posting on craigslist, I finally found the perfect little place to rent next year with two of my friendys. It's absolutely adorable and of course I can't wait to decorate. I have huge plans for our new place (pinterest helps). Too many plans really, my goal is to actually follow through with some of them :).

I am really into bunting. You know, the cute little triangle shaped banners all over blogs and Pinterest. No, I haven't actually made any yet but I plan to. We have a screened in sunroom so I figured it would be perfect for my first attempt. I can already imagine the cuteness.

I've been wanting to work out...yes, wanting to. I have nothing else further to say about this (Who am I?)

I've been on a serious budget. This include a lot of browsing and absolutely no buying. For some reason this past month has consisted of too many oops type of incidents. New tires, phone, parking tickets, TWO rents, and other minor money crises. It really hasn't been too bad. I must say that there is a definitely a different type of rewarding feeling you experience when you are living cheaply. I like it.

I am enjoying work more. Partially to my new cube (wiiiindow) but I think it has something to do with my attitude as well. And my very positive natured friend who reminds me how blessed I am on a daily basis. Positivity really works.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


When I put imagery to the word focus, I imagine a outrageously sized amoeba lookalike with a just one tiiiiiiiny pinpoint dot in the middle. This is my construed thought of what focus looks like......nearly unachievable. Technically, the dot is really 'focus' but my mind has misconstrued it into an image more realistic to my brain.

Are you good at focusing?! Would you call yourself a focused human being? I personally struggle with this whole focus thing. I am all over the page, or should I say, amoeba. For me drilling down to one idea or one goal seems to be so very overwhelming. I instead like to float on the ever moving outer part because it seems way more adventurous, flexible and easy going.

I say all this because I want to BE more focused. I want to work on this. I want to have particular passions and goals and in return experience a sense of gratitude in my hard workings. This mid twenties thing is pretty bittersweet. Sweet as in I'm living this free, self accountable, adventurous life with nothing to hold me back. Bitter because of the newness, expectations, and pounding to discover who you are. I guess you really can't experience either side without the other, and I'd much rather have a little sweet than none at all.


Image via

Thursday, July 21, 2011


strawberry ..... in my hair....thoughts?!

pictures via google search :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

smooth sailing

is the color on my fingers! & I love it. Do you?

Target wins again. I go in for "necessities" and leave with an over priced bottle of fingernail polish and the latest People's Style magazine. You'd be amazed just how happy these two little purchases make me though :)

It is also the first day of summer! YAY!

I figured painting my nails this lovely summer color would be the perfect way to celebrate. I've always been more of a fall person...I love everything about it. I do however have a small period of time where I enjoy everything summer. Come August, I'll be ready for the fall crisp air. For now, I'll enjoy what is.

Smooth sailing, y'all..

Monday, June 20, 2011


works....where applied. Me being the queen of sunburns, I have learned this well. My skin soaks up the sun and my poor pale skin turns a rosy tint in just minutes. But let me clarify, this is not the bronzy, beachy, sunkissed look that people desire to achieve. Think more along the lines of lobster status, "hey girl- do you know sunscreen exists?" look. It's surely not attractive.

As I've gotten older I've realized the miraculous abilities of our beloved little friend, sunscreen. I liberally apply and reapply until I finally give up, & say ok sun, you win. Whats funny is when I don't apply enough and I end up looking splotchy and covered with awkward suntan lines. Then there are the days where I think this one day will be different, and I'll leave the pool looking like a bronzed goddess or something (um, yeah right!). So, if I know that sunscreen works, and I've seen that is works, why do carelessy apply sometimes or even not apply at all? I know the outcome of both situations but choose to ignore them.

Strangely (but surely not a rarity for the analyzer in me), I see quite the comparison between my decisions in life and my sunscreen tactics. Being humanly & imperfect, obviously every choice we make will not be the right one. But we can do everything we are capable of to achieve positive outcomes, right? So what's the secret? Or is there even a secret? Instead of searching around looking for answers what if they are right infront of you? Such a simple concept, but all too often it is overlooked.

Everything that goes into a life of pleasing God has been miraculously given to us by getting to know, personally and intimately, the One who invited us to God. The best invitation we ever received! 2 Peter 1:3

Like sunscreen & the evident outcome of its use, we also know the way to living a life of peace but instead do everything we can to complicate the process resulting in a life of repetiveness and worry. I surely don't have it all figured out, but for some reason this past weekend inbetween nursing sunburns and small hangovers, the two become closely related in my mind. What if we replace sunscreen with God or any other concept we know to be good for us? ____ works, when applied. Seems so simple but something I need to be reminded of often. So today I 'm thankful for many things, but especially for this small little comparison God has used to tug on my heart strings and get me thinking.

And for a little comical relief......

taking it back to 1999


Friday, June 17, 2011



1) I left my phone at home.

2) I can't "pin" things @ work.

3) My picture isn't working below (I fixed it -YAY!) Now how do I get rid of the silly border?!

which leads me to another point......Can some blogger pro give me some tips or guidance to getting your pictures to look like you want them to in your blog? I way too often find that I've spent thirty minutes playing with the html code in hopes of my picture fitting within my borders, etc. And now that I'm adjusting to my mac my struggles have at least doubled. Any suggestions?!

4) Billy (my emailing/chatting buddy) is mad at me.

Work(No phone + No gchatting) = miserable

5) I thought of the cutest baby name & I can't remember it.

You don't understand though, it was unique and the cutest. This makes me really sad.

But hey, It's Friday! So it's all okay :) Happy Friday Y'all!

Thursday, June 16, 2011


This week has been filled with little moments of joy. You know the type of things that just make your heart feel warm, cause you to get excited, or simply make you smile. Things like....

1- Attending your best friends wedding. I know I did a full post solely dedicated to this event but honestly nothing is better than celebrating such a special day with your best friends and family. The people you love most.

2- Yoga class. I'm not sure I've blogged about this, but somewhere between the transformation from spring to summer I have become obsessed. Yes, I know...I'm 5 years behind. Yoga is old school now- but not for me! I love it...I even "wikipedia'd" the origin of yoga after class one day. Namaste :)

3- Roomie collegiate sounding, I know, BUT my room mate (Sally) works nights, so when we're both home after workn- I AM ESTATIC. I had a buddy to make fun of all the guys on The Bachelorette this week and to go on a Target trip with. So much better than doing these things solo.

4-Okay, so this one is not so "simple" but I must mention it bc I am wayyyy past obsessed. I GOT A MACBOOK PRO! I love it how did I ever live without it I'll totally become a computer geek because of it.... Eeek! I've spent all week exploring what it can do and even signed up for a class at the Apple store this weekend (noob life). I love my new toy.

5- Clean sheets. One of life's many simple pleasures.

Monday, June 13, 2011



This would be the first word that comes to mind when I think of this past weekend's festivities. My best friend since before I can even remember finally got married to her high school sweetheart. The weekend was spent reminiscing over sweet memories, practicing hella dance moves, and simply enjoying the time with our closest family members and friends...

Whit- Your day was perfect. I love you my married friend...

Oh, and are those not the prettiest flowers you have ever seen? I am still not over them :)

Monday, May 2, 2011


Last week deadly tornadoes swept the Southeast taking with it nearly 350 lives.

As unreal as this sounds, it is more real than I ever imagined or wanted it to feel. Deadly tornadoes only happen in movies set in Kansas. They are only told about in stories about people we don't know. That's how I always imagined disastrous tornadoes and other storms. I wish this idea of mine was true, but it's not. Last Wednesday, an F5 tornado hit the city of Tuscaloosa along with multiple other smaller cities in the Southeast region. Luckily, none of my friends or family were majorly affected, but hearing and seeing the destruction has been so heart breaking.

This past weekend I drove through Alabama & Mississippi to attend my brother's graduation in Starkville, Mississippi. Seeing the damage as I approached Tuscaloosa, the more humbled down I became. I decided not to drive down McFarland but took the overpass to North Port to avoid traffic. However, I saw more than enough. The overpass to North Port goes right over 15th....where most of the damage took place. Cars in ditches, stacks of rubbish, the heartbroken look on people's faces. The whole vibe of the city was dismantling.

A few months ago, I heard a sermon from Andy Stanley about not only praying....but praying boldly. I think about it almost every time I pray now. It comes so easy to pray for things that we have some sense of control over, and things that we don't go unmentioned because we are not sure God can really meet these needs. Trust is essential for our relationship with God. So my challenge for myself, is to pray for things out of this world and believe with all my heart that they can be achieved. If no other time than this, we should pray boldly for the South and all affected by the tornadoes that happened last week, because God will meet these needs.

Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Heb 4:16

Monday, April 25, 2011


The last hour of work is so hard. Like, mind boggling hard. I thought I was grown up know, responsible and hard working and stuff? Eh, not so much.

Yesterday I took the scenic route back to Atlanta. All I could think about was how creepy all of the small little towns were that I drove through....including Fort Payne which yes, is the city with the Alabama grp museum. The drive was a good change up though. Back roads, windows down, blaring Dixie Chicks song, "Cowboy Take Me Away". It all makes me think about my childhood.

A few things I loved about my weekend at home.....visiting with Ms. Mary Cox. Meeting sweet little Lenox. & spending Easter with my family and cute Kayla.

Looks like this Monday is o-ver. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Death in His grave...

I think it is pretty amazing how something that happened centuries ago can still be felt in the hearts of people today. Good Friday always makes me feel, think, and most of all acknowledge and appreciate what God did for us- what saved us.

Though the Earth cried out for blood

Satisfied her hunger was

Her billows calmed on raging seas

for the souls of men she craved

Sun and moon from balcony

Turned their head in disbelief

Their precious Love would taste the sting

disfigured and disdained

On Friday a thief

On Sunday a King

Laid down in grief

But awoke with keys

Of hell on that day

The first born of the slain

The man Jesus Christ

Laid death in his grave

So three days in darkness slept

The morning sun of righteousness

But rose to shame the throne of death

And over turn his rule

Now daughters and the sons of men

Would pay not their dues again

The debt of blood they owed as rent

When the day rolled a new

He was cheated

Hell and seated

Us above the fall

In desperate places

He paid our wages

One time once and for all

-John Mark McMillan

Saturday, April 16, 2011

(th)e Bear

Today is going to be a good day :) That is if my bestie will ever wake up. This weekend we are pretending to be roomies. My real roomie (who I love dearly) is out of town, so Erica decided to come up and keep me company! She even drove through the storm...what a sweet little friendy! Things I like about right now.....listening to Coachella's live stream + drinking coffee, the sunshine peaking through the blinds, and time with my bestie! Weekends for just us are rare...and therefore, needed. Wake up E!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I've been wondering what my next blog post would be about, waiting for that moment of inspiration & motivation combined but have began to think that it may not ever come, at the right time at least. Usually I have all these ideas & motivation to write while at work....typical, huh? So, this is going to be a post full of random thoughts.

I am really enjoying Spring, my wallet......not so much. Sporadic buys are way too common these days. With the change of seasons, I am all about the phrase...."out with the old, in with the new". Sounds like a good thought for this time of year...but then, there's the whole in with the new part that I tend to focus more on.

This past Saturday, I decided was going to be a good day. My plan was to wake up early (ew) and make my way down to a local farmers market I've been meaning to go to for a while. Despite the fact that I made it there with 15 minutes until it was over & the ATM was conveniently out of service, I enjoyed the small time I had. There is something so purifying about a sweet little local market. It reminded me of the Cotton District Arts Festival that Starkville has every spring. Of course it was smaller, but just as inspiring and cute. I can't wait to go back this weekend, and buy some locally made granola bars for breakfast next week! :)

{These are just pictures I got from google image, but how adorable is the marketing for this market?}

Next I made my way to an outdoors store down the road, just to browse. I swear, every guy in there was a hottie which means I need an excuse to go back, hehe.....any suggestions? For real though, the best part was that I scored some sweet deals which included some new Toms (on sale & wearable for work) AND a cute little back pack that will be great for the Hangout Festie.....which, btw, I CANNOT WAIT TO BE HERE....anywayzzzz, good good Saturday. I loved every minute of it.

Other things worth mentioning...

-I saw Amos Lee this weekend at Variety. It goes without being said but he was absolutely amazing. I felt the meaning behind each song he sang.

-I went on a date this weekend (hehe....leaving it at that)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Be still.

Sometimes I think I was born with a restless soul. I casually throw that line around, laugh, without thinking about what it actually means. Restless. Soul. It's not a positive thing. It actually is quite frightening to think a soul could never be at rest.

I admit. I am occasionally guilty of this. Never letting my soul relax, rest, and embrace what is.

This past Friday was no different then the previous four days of the week. I woke up, rushed to get to work, and was slowly but surely watching the day pass before me. I met a new friend for lunch, where she mentioned she had a friend who was doing this cool project, etc. where she was starting a non profit. When I got back to my cube, naturally I googled her blog. Her story was refreshing and so inspiring. Before I realized it, I had read her whole blog from front to back.

This young girl, who I've never met, has a story that somehow sparked something inside of me. For the first time the whole week, I felt like someone had turned on the switch of my soul. For the first time in months, it was like a cup of contentment was poured over me and I realized this....

God. did. not. create. his. children. to. be. R E S T L E S S.

There is no way he did. Although, nothing was different about Friday, I seriously felt a peace about where I am in life in that moment. I have no understanding of why- but I felt like God was telling me to just be still. In Amy's blog, she talks about this verse.... "Let us hold unswervingly to the HOPE we profess, for HE who PROMISED is FAITHFUL."{Hebrews 10:23} How awesome is it that God promises us he will be faithful? What a hopeful promise from our Creator.

Check it ---->

Clothed in Hope

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Today I realized that for the past few weeks that I have been spinning out of control within a whirlwind- aka my life. Does that ever happen to you? You never know you are in a whirlwind until you are out of it. That's kind of the cool part. My heart has become really heavy as I've slowly spun out of it this week, mainly because I was forced to.

I've been living in Atlanta for about six months now. Time has flown in general, but this past month has been the fastest. I see now how all of the sudden you wake up and realize that you've been working the same job for 5 or 10 years-whatever your case may be. Anyway, I've met a lot of different people since I've moved here. This has been one of my favorite parts about living in the big city. I treasure relationships with people I connect with. As much as an outgoing person I am sometimes, a lot of times I am totally the opposite. I refer to myself as a one on one person rather than a big group person. This is something I need to work on, but it's just so much easier and enjoyable connecting with another soul on a personal level.

I feel as if I have a totally different outlook on meeting people these days. First of all- the type of people I am around has changed drastically since college. As you can imagine, the small town college scene is not very similar to the big city working life scene. I love both of them- but meeting people now seems totally different. Maybe because we are all in this stage of figuring out life, I'm not sure. Regardless, people seem to be more deep, transparent, and knowledgeable. Funny how much you can learn about yourself from just one person? I've had a few relationships recently where I have felt like the person knows me better than I know myself. Talking about an eye opening moment..

Webster tells me that a whirlwind is this:

: a small rotating windstorm of limited extent

Key words that stand out to me here are limited extent, confused rush, and then inevitably.....destructive force. I really would have been fine if Webster could have stopped after confused rush.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Woah. Okay- I just realized it's been almost a month since I've blogged. Not cool--and even less cool that I didn't even realize it. I'm going to do better...mark my words.

Today I am inspired by one of the first crafty blogs I ever stumbled upon. I love this blog because all of the projects are easy and do-able. Look at this paper owlie! I think I need him to come live in
my cube.
Check out more of her crafts at her blog ---->
(sorry for the link. I'm lazzzzy)

Thursday, February 17, 2011


This past week or two has been strange.

Work has all of the sudden become really s l o w. I can't handle when I have down time at work....especially when I am trapped in a small cubical. It's seriously a test of your sanity...a test I more than often fail. I've been really scattered brain lately, always thinking of things I want to do and learn about and places I want to go. I'm constantly searching for opportunities until I wear myself out mentally. It takes a lot but it does happen. It requires pulling but eventually my feet do hit the ground again. My dreamer mentality really is annoying sometimes.

I think there is a very fine line that seperates most things in life. That's what makes life hard. Last week I got on a kick of watching one of my favorite movies, "The Last Kiss". I still have it in my DVD player and I've turned it on before I fall asleep for a week or so now.

"Life is pretty much in the grays for the most part, and if you insist always on black and are going to be very unhappy"

This quote from the movie (said by Jenna's mom at the end when she is going craaazy) is one that has totally stuck with me. It's so true. I think how we distinguish these fine lines in the midst of all the gray, determines the person we are.

The other day on my ride home on MARTA the song, Djohariah, by Sufjan Stevens came on my ipod. I had never heard it before but....ummmm it's amazing! I felt like I was on a movie listening to it while riding the train home. This is what my brain has felt like lately....

Listen here

{PS- Ever get confused on how to spell gray correctly? Supposedly the correct way in America is with an A and you use E to be correct in England. That's what google tells me, at least. Pretty ironic that it can be spelled more than one way, huh?}

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Recap- The Wars of the Civil

This past Saturday night, I met some friends to see The Civil Wars play at Workplay Theater in Birmingham. The show was amazing as expected! Here are some of my thoughts of the night overall....

1- Joy Williams is such a cutie and goodness, she's SO tiny. I want to put her in my pocket.

2- JP looks like he is from the Civil War times. Something tells me that's the look he is going for.

3- I have such sweet & cool friends.

4-How did Workplay all of the sudden start getting such big acts (look at their spring calendar)? I thought they were going under?

5- Jokes are always funnier when musicians tell them.

5- I will remember this show cause this sweet lil' duo is about to be BIG!

6- Is it possible for a band to sound better live? Yup.

7- Are they seriously not married to eachother? Call me crazy, but I wouldn't want my husband being in a band with Joy.

8-I can't believe I charged my camera battery and forgot to put it in my camera.

9- Soooooo many couples.

10- Can this night last forever?!

Enjoy your Tuesday.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Vintage Valentine

The other day I stumbled across these adorable vintage valentine cards in one of my favorite Antique Stores here in Atlanta

(Highland Row Antiques)

. I think they are lovely.

I just love love .

Happy {early} Valentines Day!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Slowing down.

Life has been crazy lately. Please excuse my leave of absence this past week. As some may know, close week (the first week of every month) is the most hectic time for internal accountants. Annnnd since we are still working on closing out the whole year of 2010, you can imagine the disorganization. Along with work life, has been my personal life which has included the start of a new workout plan (more or less the plan to start), hard core budgeting, and the start of a few new side projects :). You can tell it's January, huh? Reorganization has been my key goal.

Making plans is what I do. I make lists, among lists, within lists, etc. I'm usually better at planning out my thoughts than actually completing them. Today after work, I immediately began doing things that "needed" to be done. Sal and I went to the grocery store, I cleaned, We watched American Idol (Yes, I n e e d e d to do this), I completed some paper work that's due soon, and worked on my bestie's shower invitations. I literally did not stop, until 11pm tonight. After getting in bed, I began my nightly routine of surfing my usual websites when I ran across a story that touched my heart. It was a journaling site that a sweet, hopeful, mother had created for her 5 year old daughter who was diagnosed with cancer not too long ago. As I read through this site, I literally could not refrain from weeping. It broke my heart. Not only did it break my heart, but my eyes were opened. It's like God was telling me in the most evident way to s l o w down. After I stopped and prayed for a miracle for this little girl, I thought about the tiny irrelevant things, I worry and dedicate so much time to. There are SO many more important things in life that deserve my time and effort. I know you don't know this little girl, or even her story but I ask that you say a prayer for her. Miracles can still happen...

Monday, January 24, 2011


This was me all day today at work....

....Wakefully dreaming

picture via

free people blog

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Like List.

Likes. I gots L O T S of 'em. Simple, small, dainty, pretty, big, huge, extravagant, lovely things. I like them all. This weekend was spent mostly with myself, and I enjoyed it. After all, if you like the person you are alone with, you really can't be too lonely, right? One of my friends has a quote along these lines on his Facebook page, and I think about it all the time. To be honest, I am rarely lonely, more or less I get in moods where I am feeling nostalgic. But that's mainly because I have amazing friends scattered around everywhere except in my vicinity (with a few exceptions), and I miss their company. One thing I've already learned since moving to Atlanta and living on my own, is that you have to be able to enjoy hanging out with yourself, embrace who you are, and do the little things that make you smile.

On most Saturday's, I like to make to-do lists. I hate to even call them to-do lists, because that seems so forced upon. They really are more like reminders of things I want to do, places I want to go, and so on. When I first moved here, I was overwhelmed and fascinated with the huge-ness of Atlanta. I would try to do things after work, and go places, because I was just so eager to see the city. Eventually, I realized though, that the weekends were the best times for these things. During the week, I need physical and mental rest and revitalization. I still don't make these two things a priority like I should, but I'm getting better. Saturdays are me day's.....time to explore myself, and my surroundings. The following is what I like to call my..... "Like List". I tend to always have at least a few "obsessed with, squealing over, can't get enough of" type things I am into at the moment. Here are a few of my current likes:

1. Calvin Klein.

So, on Saturday I woke up, didn't actually have too many things I wanted to do, so I went to my regular's (TJ Maxx & Nordstrom Rack) where I purchased THE MOST AMAZING LOUNGE PANTS evvvvver by Calvin Klein. I think every girl should own a pair of these. Not only are they the most comfortable things I have ever "lounged" in, they also make "lounging" look good, which is a + .
You can find them -----> H E R E

(& No, I didn't pay $49 for these (or buy them in this nauseous rose color, for that matter) ....I am much more of a Maxxinista than that).

2. Trader Joe's.

If you have never been, and live close to one do not wait any longer.........go NOW! It is awesome. I am quite disappointed in myself that it took me this long to discover it's greatness. Just put it this way, I got 3 bottles of wine, an organic frozen meal, a green machine smoothie, pineapple salsa, & spinach dip all for $22 dollars. I am not even big into the whole organic thing, but I was simply impressed with the amazing prices, unique selection, and enjoyable shopping experience it creates for it's customers. Oh, and $3 dollar red wine had something to do with it as well :)

3. Organization.

I am the queen of buying things to "help me be more organized". Whether I actually use these things, is questionable (you and I both know the answer to this). Nonetheless, I found the cutest little to do list, doodle, journal book at Anthropologie this weekend. It's called the Today is Super Journal and I love it because it reminds me of my childhood with it's kid-ish look, all while helping me be organized. We will see how long I actually use it. It was just TOO adorable to pass up.

pictures via


4. The Beatles

Last weekend I ran across the Beatles album, "Abbey Road" at a local CD exchange store. Needless to say, I snatched it up and walked out with one of the greatest classic rock albums in hand for exchange of only six U.S. dollar bills. Isn't it mind-boggling to think that forty years later music still moves humans the same way? Now...... judge me if you will, but before this purchase I did not have one Beatle's song in my Itunes or on CD's. If you know me the least bit, you know I'm not good with knowing the classics- movies, music, actors, arts, etc. Anyways, I'm obsessed Now I'm just jammin' on the way to work every day to the Beatles as if the CD was released just yesterday!

That's all for now...Here's to another work filled week!


Thursday, January 20, 2011


Sweet 'N Low has gone retro...well, actually they've been retro since they launched a new advertisement campaign this past September.Nonetheless, I cannot get enough of it. I see these adorable ad's all over the city and think to myself, awww so freakin' cute, and smile. Honestly, I do.

And my favorite....of course :)

H o o t y H o o!


Wednesday, January 19, 2011


When I threw out the idea of creating a blog, I got one quick response from a close friend. He responded with something along the lines of...."if you're gonna do it, you better go all out, none of that live journal crap". To my dear, sweet (for the most part) friend who advised me with these words....prepare yourself for a semi-live journal post. I'm apologizing in advance, because tonight I'm in one of those r e s t l e s s but invigorating state of minds.

Since I graduated college, there has been one thing that has continuously revolved around my mind. Conventionality. It is frightening to me to think, that I could possibly be dulled down to this "on the grind" "9-5" rinse and repeat type of lifestyle. Yes, I know conventionality has existed throughout all stages of life, for example the path of choosing college etc., but something about this transformation just seems more pressured and trapping. It's so easy, especially since I am not adjusted to the whole working routine (just yet) to live moment to moment stressing, and creating (never ending) to do lists, and making excuses for things we can't do. I have found that it's quite the trend to get stuck in a never ending cycle making plans for times that are more convenient. Buuuuut, something tells me that this time of our life is no different than any other. I think should travel, and eat well, and laugh and take trips and chances and most of So, my question to you is this:

Are we f a l l i n g or f l y i n g?

I hope to fly. Until I'm grey, and old, and clueless, and silly. I'll still fly. Not saying there won't be times I feel like falling, but at the end of the day I'm going to choose to embrace my young and restless soul. I hope you will too.

PS- Check out Grace Potter & the Nocturnal's song, "Falling or Flying"


if you have never done so before. Sorrrry, I'm on a helluva Grace kick latley! Oh, and turn it to Jay Leno....quick! Cause she's about to rock out!

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Hi all!

Introductions kind of suck. They come with a lot of pressure. Quite frankly, I am not a fan of them. For example, I feel as if I should have some fancy philosophical reason as to why I am creating this blog. Some "Come to Jesus" feeling about why a blog would be the perfect addition to my life in this moment. But lets be honest.....I'm starting this blog for the total opposite of these things I've just stated. I've played around with the idea of a blog for a while...mainly because I love to read blogs about all the things I'm interested in. Some about crafts, fashion, music etc. Blog reading is addictive...before I know it I will be reading some random person's blog that I have no clue who is. Annnnd SO for these reason's, I am starting my own blog. To share things that make me smile, laugh, think, wonder, and most of inspired.

SO what does the name, 'The Window Sill' have to do with anything? Honestly, not much. Besides the fact that something about it gives me that running through an open field type of feeling. I always picture the overdone movie scene where the young girl sits and stares out the window daydreaming. What can be seen through the window is anything your imagination allows you to see? Ya know. I try to see the happiness and pretty things of life because it's what inspires me. Hopefully I can share some of these things here.

I'll leave you with this video of Golden (by My Morning Jacket) covered so beautifully by the lovely, Grace Potter...

Watchin' a stretch of road, miles of light explode.
Driftin' off a thing I'd never done before...

What do you see?